by Lee Brandon Marketing Team | Jan 14, 2016 | #AreYourLightsOn, AB-Inforcer, AB-VAnced NEU-Spine, abenforcer, abinforcer, ABS, Back Expert, BIGGEST LOSER, BMI is Bogus, Bodivis, Body Builder, body composition, core, core exercises, core strength, core training, Fit3D, InBody, jack LaLanne, Lee Brandon, Lee Brandon golf, Lee Brandon Pro, Lee Brandon trainer, long drive, Long Drivers of America, longer drives, News demo, Olympic, Olympic Swimming, oprah, over weight, posture, power, USA Olympic Swimming, USC Swim center, weight loss
“We can change what we can measure. Are you using the right measure?” Lee Brandon, CSCS, RSCC*E As a 6′ female, and over #200 lbs most of my life, I found myself discouraged most of my adolescent years not knowing that this was a genetic...