NY JETS hired the First Female Coach in the History of the NFL

2021 NY JETS Latest News from Females Coaching Network! Official Plea to the New York Jets…PLEASE Celebrate The First Female Coach in the NFL – Lee Brandon How I ‘Got the Job’ as the First Female Coach in the NFL The Forgotten First Female...

Have You Asked The Right Questions Prior To Surgery

Back pain affects us all 4:5 of us according to Harvard Medical School will have an episode(some chronic and some acute…). WE MUST HAVE THE SMART TEAM of Professionals to flip over every stone prior to considering the knife or laser! I am always approached from...

Lee’s 3 Immune Boosting Tips

Consider the following As we Battle Clovid-19:  https://archive.aweber.com/awlist3531575/KPNsZ Great Healthy Food Choices: A few great simple tips:Fresh, fresh, fresh…Less animal fat, more good fats (Olive oil instead of butter, avocado instead of fatty...

Engineering a Champion

For over 40 years, we have been changing lives. We work with All Sports, and All Ages. We create longevity strategies to have long careers from Juniors to Elite Pro’s. GREATNESS CAN BE REPEATED! We train anyone with a spine! 1984 California I have had such a crazy,...

What Do Clients Say About “Lee Brandon and the Brandon Method?”

Whether you are a School Teacher, Olympian, Office Worker or Coach…see what those who have been touched by Lee have to say: Phillis Meti 2019 World Long Drive Championships: “Secret? “We worked hard on Posture and Spine Hygiene with Lee...


August 22nd, 2019 It is with great excitement that we share a new concierge experience for private and semi private training sessions at IkonFit (formerly David Barton’s Gym in Los Angeles). The new owners stated: “It is our honor to have Lee and her team working at...